Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Principles of Accounting Accounting Behavioral Research

Question: Describe about the Principles of Accounting for Accounting Behavioral Research. Answer: Introduction Technological advancement has brought several changes to the society and most of them are good for the society and have positive effect on the society and its people. The technological developments help in the progression of human civilization and improve the life style of the human being. Although, there are several important advantages of technologies or technologies provide several benefits but some of the disadvantages also can be observed, those are considered to be the outcome of the technological advancement(Boone, Kurtz and Qualman, 2011). Furthermore, the technological dependency is one of the vital issues of technological advancement. Currently, people are more depended on the technologies and thus, the necessity of the technologies is increasing over the time. Specially, the advancement of computer technologies enhances the dependency on machine. Currently, most of the activities are performing with the help of computer technologies with more efficiency and ease. In this m atter, especially the software development is main liable because of the software development several jobs, which previously performed by human being are currently performing by computer machine. As a result the job employment is reducing because the human being is beating by machine. There are different jobs such as clerk, word processor and typist, technical writer, editor, tele-marketer and many more jobs are in threat. These entire jobs are now performed by computer and extensive software development is only liable for this. The computer programs are more efficient than the human being as by the computer program the tasks can be done more accurately as well as a computer is now more economic in comparison to a human employee thus employers prefer computer than any human employee(Kingsley, Gray and Suri, 2015). Therefore, the scope of the human being in the labor market is reducing in consistent basis. Like other jobs, the accounting job is also done by accounting software thus t he importance of the accountant is reducing and the accounting job is also on a verge. Main Body Research on current and future technology, accountant skills, ethics and the career opportunities for pursuing accounting career Currently the situation is most of the companies trying to use advance software in order to complete the essential tasks, which are performed by the human workers. The main cause for this intention from the management of the organizations is currently computers are cheap and with the help of the computer software the task become easy and computer can perform the tasks more easily (Kitindi, 2007). Accounting task is also done by the computer by several efficient software programs, thus the organization tend to use advance accounting software instead of keeping an accountant with the organization. Therefore, the role of the accountant in an organization is gradually decreasing and the accountants are losing their importance in an organization. Currently, most of the organizations use Tally, Fact, Myob, ERP, Peachtree computer accounting and many more different types of accounting software as per their requirement and financial capacity. This accounting software can be used by non-accou ntant person as these have user friendly computer platform that helps the users to perform accounting tasks (Mahboubian, 2010). The organizations usage unskilled non-accountants in much lower salary in comparison to an experienced accountant, thus the organizations cost effectiveness use to be improved. Apart from this, some organizations recruit inexperienced accountant in much lower remuneration and effective accounting software make their tasks easy. It is assumed that in near future the accounting software will be more efficient and the use of human being for accounting purpose will be reduced and only machine will be used to keep accounting of an organization or performing accounting tasks of an organization. Therefore, in near future the necessity of accounting personal will be reduced and the job of accountants will be eliminated. Therefore, for the accountants job scope will be reduced (Paisey and Paisey, 2010). There will be no accountant job vacancy and the accountant will be jobless. Accounting skill will not be required in near future as most of the accounting task will be performed by the computer. The advance accounting software help in solving critical accounting problem thus, accounting skill will no more required. The accounting software is not new and it had been used from many years it helps the accountant in accounting task and useful tools for the accountants. In initial stage the tax filing software even not put the accountant out of their job. However, eventually the accounting software developed and the need of accountant reduced. The accountant ethics is to maintain the bookkeeping activities and the entire financial activities have to be recorded in a proper way as well as generating the financial reports at the time of requirement. In accounting software the accounting activities will be recorded properly so the ethics will be, maintained properly (Qu and Yang, 2012). Moreover, with the advancement in computer technology and accounti ng software the task of the accounting personal will be reduced thus, the students, who have persuaded accounting study and intend to take an accounting career their career opportunity, will be in a verge. Therefore, it is advised to the students that they should not pursue accounting career as the scope in this career will be ended in near future. Surprising information for the group The whole group was quite surprise at the time they explored that the accounting software are taking the places of accountant and in near future the requirement of an accountants will be reduced significantly. Apart from this, it is assumed that in near future the vacancy of the accountant will be eliminated (Arnold and Clinton, 2010). In this context the student who pursue accounting career their career will be in a verge. The group of students most of them are pursuing accounting career it is really shocking (Tarantino, 2006). The latest development of the accounting software has been produced software, which is moving into the cloud, few of the accounting software such as Quick Book Online that help the accountant to perform accounting tax online thus the job of assistant accountant will be eliminated. It reduces the cost of accounting for the business entities . New technologies will be taking the places of the accountants. The accounting software will not eliminate the accountan t at once but eventually with the development of the accounting software the job of the accountant will be reduced. Several critical accounting tasks can be performed by the accounting software and for this there will not be any requirement of the accountants for the business. Automating accounting will not be bad for the small business entities and the cost of the accounting software is also not very high thus affordable to the small business organizations (Arya and Mittendorf, 2015). In information about the accounting software and its future development is really surprising to the students of the group. When the students of the group informed about the new development of the accounting software and about their demining scope in the labor market as the accounting software are taking place of the accountants or replacing accountant by their extensive feature, the students were really shocked as most of them pursue the accounting career and they thought that their career scope is fi nished as the accounting career is at a verge (Baxter and Thibodeau, 2011). In this situation they have to choose other career. Aspects for considering technology, accountant skills, ethics and the career opportunities The technology is consistently improving and so that the tasks can be performed more easy way in this case there are regular advance accounting software is coming in the market, which makes the task easier. Like any other developed nations Australia is also using the advance technologies in order to improve the efficiency of the business organization. In this way currently a non-accountant can perform accounting tasks more proficiently with the help of efficient accounting software (Bragg, 2005). The Australian business organizations intend to utilize the modern technologies; especially the software technologies in order to improve the efficiency of the business activities of the organization thus improve the efficiency of the organization. Like any other technologies advance accounting software are widely used in the Australian business organization. As a result the requirement of an expert accountant is reducing and the organizations take the job from the unskilled people in order make the organizations cost effective. There are several effective accounting software are introducing which are suitable as per the accounting needs of the organization. Moreover, with the commencement of advance accounting software the need of accountant is reducing in an organization. The reason is the organization can be able to do its accounting tasks with the help of efficient accounting software (Vera-Muoz, Shackell and Buehner, 2007). Moreover, as the advance technology help in doing critical accounting problems thus, the accounting skills is no more require thus the requirement of an accountant in an organization is gradually reduced. The accounting ethics is also maintained with the advance accounting software the actual data use to record with the accounting software and the chances of misstatement will also be reduced significantly. The accounting will be maintained complying with the essential standard and correct financial report will be produced that will provide actu al financial data of the company so that the actual financial position of the organizations can be recognized with the evaluation of the financial statement of the companies (Christensen and Parker, 2010). Therefore, with the advancement in accounting technologies the accounting efficiency of the organization will be improved and the requirement of a manual accountancy will be reduced, hence the job prospects of the accountant will be reduced considerably. The accounting post within the organizations will be reduced so the scope for then accounts student will be reduced as they will be beaten by the computer software. In accounting there are several formulas and theories used buy the accountants and human intelligence is required to make effective accosting decision; however, an artificial intelligence system also can perform as well as provide explanation for the accounting tasks. Moreover, in these situations the requirement of en efficient accountant personal in an organization w ho handle the entire accounting task is reduced significantly with the arrival of new advance accounting software. As a result the career opportunities of the accounting professional are decreasing considerably (Curtis, 2011). The main reason for this is an unskilled non- accountant individual with minimum computer knowledge can also perform the accounting tasks of an organization, right from keeping record of the transactions and other financial activities of an organization as well as generating report of the financial condition of the organization, entire bookkeeping tasks can be performed by the non-accountant staff of an organization and thus, the career opportunities of the account student is Australia will be reduced dramatically. Changes and adaptations regarding the aspects The changes in the technological aspect are most frequent in present scenario as the technologies advances in a constant basis. The new technologies arrive and take places of the old technologies. The accounting software is also changing over the time regularly new advance accounting software introduced in the market and the old accounting software are becoming obsolete (Evans, 2012). The new accounting software with more features provides more benefit to the users. With many more accounting features these accounting software make the accounting task easy for the users of the accounting system. The organizations and the accountants readily accepted the new accounting software in order to improve the accounting activities of the organizations. The changes in the field of accounting software thus adopted in the industry and the organizations use the new accounting technologies in order to make the accounting task easy and more accurate (Farlick and Grant, 2006). The new accounting soft ware improves the efficiency of the accounting tasks. Therefore, the organizations adopt the new technological changes within the accounting software. Opinion on the value for studying the accounting courses The accounting courses are also changed in the new scenario as the need and demand changes the course of accounting is also changes. In current situation the bookkeeping tasks of an organization mostly done by the unskilled non-accountant persons. In these contexts the role of an accountant in an organization has been changed (Fogarty, 2010). The accountants are currently performing as an advisor to the company; they help the organization with effective accounting advisory services. The accountant in current scenario has to play a bigger role in the industry. The accountants are now performing analysis to the financial data and information of the company as well as their main responsibility is to look after the work done by the non- accountant unskilled staffs of the company who just work as a data entry operator of the company. The accounting course is currently composed of various accounting software, where the accountant can able to learn about the accounting skills along with the accounting software, which improve the efficiency of the accountants (Gaylord and Ried, 2006). The future accountants are equipped with the contemporary skills that enable them to analyze the financial statements of the organization, help in planning internal auditing for the organizations as well as they can perform the auditing task for the organizations. In this context the value of the accounting course will be improved and the accounting profession will get new pinnacle. The tax calculation as well as various tax consequences can be handled by the accountant and in this way the perimeter of the accounting job will be expanded (Macur and Cummings, 2011). The managerial accounting will get importance along with the financial accounting and the accountant responsibility will be increased substantially thus, the accounting courses also have to adopt the changes of the accounting demand and the requirements of the business entities and design the courses in such way that the course s can meet the demand of the market. Conclusion recommendations From the investigation it is clearly observed that the technological advancement have brought significant changes in the society and in the business world. The job requirement and job profiles are varies from the past previous years. Moreover, the technological changes are considered as the main reason for the changes. Due to the technological advancement the job market quietly influenced and the need and demand of the job market has been changed considerably (Nicholson, 2015). Especially, the computer has taken the job from the human being and for several jobs the computer is considered as a better substitute to the human being. Therefore, the demand in job for employees is reducing reasonably and there are various jobs including accountants job is about to eradicate in current job market with the commencement of better accounting software, which make the accounting easy and simple. In this situation the accounting professional role has been changed broadly, instead of traditional b ookkeeping job, they are now more into financial analysis, financial planning job (Spiceland, 2009). The accounting courses are also changed as per the need of the market and the accountants have to take more responsibility. References Arnold, V. and Clinton, B. (2010).Advances in accounting behavioral research. Bingley, UK: Emerald. Arya, A. and Mittendorf, B. (2015). 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