Friday, February 28, 2020

X-ray Exposure Components Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

X-ray Exposure Components - Essay Example the electrons’ speed is given by kVp (kilovolt potential) which then determines the x-ray beam’s penetration, thus impacting the x-ray production’s efficiency, and determining the level of image contrast. The right kVp yields differential x-ray immersion of dense and soft anatomic structures. Increasing kVp results in an increase in the penetration of an x-ray beam. If kVp is set too low, the resultant image will be devoid of density leading to a sooty or a whitewashed appearance while in case of too high kVp, the resultant image will be too dark and over exposed. The kVp controls the electrons’ energy as they displace across the tube, or it may be said that kVp controls the electron’s speed. Therefore, the higher tube potential (kVp), the larger will be the affect of the electrons. Moreover, the greater the tube potential the greater will be the penetration. Thus, kVp monitors the beam quality by monitoring the x-ray beam energy (Gray et al., 1983) . The tube intensity and exposure time could be an unequalled exposure factor (mAs). The factor, â€Å"mAs† refers to the rate of electrons flow in a predetermined time. Where, mA refers to tube current while s denotes time in seconds. Thus the two exposure factors work in combination to control the quantity of electrons discharged at the cathode and afterward the quantity of x-rays developed at the anode. The milliampere seconds (mAs) ascertains the quantity of x-rays developed per unit time, while the quantity of x-rays arriving at the film ascertains the scale of film’s blackening. Both of these factors monitor and adjust the exposure factor’s quantitative character. These exposure factors determine and influence the quality and quantity of the x-ray beam (Hecker, & Garreau, 2012). Another important factor is the distance between the focus and detector that impacts the x-ray exposure. This relationship is quite simple as the nearer the x-ray tube is placed to the film the higher will be the intensity

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

UGG boots case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

UGG boots case study - Assignment Example The brand was later expanded to produce sandals, clogs, boots, slippers, and handbags. Tsubo LLC, which produces sports and dress casuals, sandals, heels, and boots. In 2003, Australian sheepskin manufacturers started selling their products online at lower prices after Decker started making millions from UGG Australia sales (Windsor, 2010). Decker sales dropped as consumers preferred the UGG product at lower prices. The actions by Australian manufacturers were unethical because Decker owned the Trademark UGG and using it to sell their goods was ripping off the corporation. In addition, another act that shows the brand’s impact on ethics is through unfair competition. This is evident when competitors imitated UGG and sold fake products to customers who had no idea that they were buying imitations. Some producers went to the extremes of using cow skin instead of sheepskin (Worley, 2014). This is wrong as these actions were taking advantage of consumers whose real intention was to buy and enjoy the benefits brought about by the real UGG Australia products. Brand names, therefore bring about the worst from people who want to take advantage an d make money from consumers who lack the knowledge of knowing whether the products they are buying is real or just a cheap imitation. The owners of the products also suffer due to reduced sales after putting in resources to produce, advertise, and market their products. Their image also suffers, as wronged consumers who bought fake products will taint their name saying that the products they are selling are of poor quality. Other people may say that it is also wrong to raise sheep for their skin and use that skin to make products. It occurs as animal cruelty to the supporters of animal rights (Seltzer 2011). There is a query whether consumers are concerned that those beautiful, comfortable, and must have items were due to shaving